2025 Seedling Sale update 2/13/25
Orders are due March 14, 2025, or until seedlings are sold out    
Pick up is April 4th 8 AM to 6 PM & 5th 8 AM to 10 AM.
More info is available in the order form
No printer or not feeling up to math? Try the fillable form and email it to us. Under the File tab, Save As a Google Sheet to your device, fill it out and then File-Email to ashtabulaswcd@gmail.com
click here for the 2025 Tree Sale pdf form         click here for the fillable 2025 tree sale Google Sheet form         click here to return to the main page





Eastern White Pine - Pinus strobus (25 in packet) 4-0 YR (10”-20”) Excellent for windbreak and hedges. Prefers acidic, well drained soils. $25  Colorado Blue Spruce - Picea pungens (25 in packet) 5-yr seedlings (10”-20”) Used for landscape, windbreaks, reforestation and Christmas trees. Adaptable to variety of soils.  $32 SOLD OUT Norway Spruce - Picea abies (25 in packet) 3-0 (10”-16”) Used for ornamentals, timber and wind/snow breaks. Adapts to variety of soil types. $25
Jack Pine - Pinus banksiana (25 in packet) 2-0yr seedlings (18”-24”) Tolerates a wide range of soil, but needs full sun. Prefers areas with early frost $25 Red Spruce - Picea rubens (25 in packet) 2-yr seedlings (10”-18”) Great for wildlife, will likely be grazed by deer, squirrels. Sensitive to air pollution. Slow grower that prefers shallow topsoil. $50 Balsam Fir - Abies balsamea Cooks Blue (25 in packet), 2-3 yr (10”-16”) Loves glacial till soil (90% of Ash Co), in a pH range of 4.0 to 6.0, best in cold, moist climate. Slow grower, 18 feet in 20 years $50
Douglas Fir - Pseudotsuga menziesii (25 in packet) 2-2 yr (6"-12") Seed source proven to be resistant to Gypsy Moth. Grows best in moist, well drained soil. $50   Mockernut Hickory - Carya tomentosa (5 in packet)2-0 yr (6”-12”) Slow growing, takes 25 years before an edible nut is produced. Straight trunk makes it great for shade tree in the yard. $8 Scarlet Oak - Quercus coccinea (5 in packet) 4-0 yr (18”-36”) Likes loamy, acidic, well-drained soil. Beautiful dark green foliage to scarlet in fall. Drought resistant. $10
Shumard Oak - Quercus shumardii (5 in packet) 4 yr (36"-48”) AKA Swamp Red Oak. Tolerates a wide variety of soil types, including poorly drained soils. Fast grower. High wildlife value. $12 Chestnut Oak - Quercus prinus (5 in packet) 3-0 yr seedlings (24”-48”) Loves moist, medium textured soil. Resembles an American chestnut tree. $12 Northern Pecan - Carya illinoinensis (5 in packet) 1-0 yr (12-18”) Grows best in loamy, well-drained soil that does not have prolonged standing water. Larval host to Gray Hairstreak butterfly. $8
Sugar Maple - Acer saccharum (5 in packet) 3-0 yr (8”-16”) Adaptable to different soils, important for wildlife and pollinators. $10 Domestic Apple - Malus domestica (5 in packet) 2-0 yr (12"-18”) Common apple, not a cultivar. $8 Roselow Sarg. Crabapple - Malus sargentii 'Roselow' (5 in packet) 2-0 yr (12”-18”) 20 ft max height, great street tree. Great windbreak, hedgerow. $8
American Hazelnut - Corylus americana (5 in packet) 1-0 yr seedlings (12”-18”) Shrub with height of 16 ft. Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. $8 Black Elderberry - Sambucus canadensis (5 in packet) 1-0 yr seedlings (12”-18”) Good wetland, rain garden and floodplain tree. Birds and pollinators love it. will do fine in shade. $8 Highbush Blueberry - Vaccinium corymbosum (5 in packet) RC+1 yr seedlings (6”-12”) Tolerates wide variety of soils, edible fruit, high wildlife value. 6-12 feet tall shrub. Streambank stabilizer. $14
Highbush Cranberry - Viburnum trilobum (5 in packet) 1-0 yr seedlings (12”-18”) Tolerates wide variety of soils, edible fruit, high wildlife value. 8-12 feet tall shrub. Streambank stabilizer. $8 Redbud - Cercis canadensis (5 in packet) 1-0 yr seedlings (12”-18”) Showy native that grows to 30’. Part shade to shade. Likes moist soils that drain. $8 Sweet Shrub - Calycanthus floridus (5 in packet) 1-0 yr seedlings (18”-24”) aka Carolina Allspice. Shrub that tolerates wide range of soil and sun to part shade. Very fragrant. Pollinated by sap beetles. $8
55 gallon rain barrel with diverter kit for 2x3 downspout $65